Setting Goal Sucks. 3 ways to make it sucks a little MORE less.

1. Write down specific Goal and be Clear

It can be weekly Goal, monthly Goal or annual Goal. However, it doesn’t matter, all you need is to be specific. Try with writing S.M.A.R.T Goals.

  • Specific : Who and numbers need to be in specific. Who is involved? What is your next step? What is the purpose of this Goal? Your mission will unite the company behind common goals.
  • Measurable : Quantify your goals and make it simple to track progress easier. This will help you stay motivated and focused.
  • Achievable : Goal needs to be realistic, and you can ask yourself, is this something my team can reasonably accomplish? 
  • Relevant : Focus on long-term objectives and align with your values. Make your plan everyone to move forward, and be clear with why you set this Goal. 
  • Time-Bound : Time! Time! Time! Significant to set a target date. Every teammates need to be on the same page to success on the project. Reach your goal in Time.
For you to be focused, motivated, and clarified, set SMART goal with Clovine.

2. Use OKRs & KPIs

Both OKR and KPI are methods of performance management in different ways. 

OKR – Goal Setting Framework

KPI – Track Goal Performance.

I rather use ‘&’ than ‘vs’ between these two because OKR is for improving business and KPI is for monitoring the business performance.

For OKR, you can set goals by specific plans to achieve high objectives as the key results. The key results might be something which is very challenging.

For KPI, you can be measurable and be clear where to focus the available resources. This can serve as a source of evaluation for monitoring the projects, and be more necessary to verify your current status. 

If you can't Measure it, you can't Manage it.
Peter Drucker
Father of Management

Journey to OKR

What is OKR?

Objectives and Key Results, a goal management system to help achieve team Goal through a framework that improves business implement the strategy.

OKR was first founded by Andy Grove at Intel, and he further developed MBO into the OKR framework. Google adopted OKR in 1999, and it helped Google to grow from 40 employees to 100,000+.

Today, everyone knows OKR, and many companies like Airbnb, Dropbox, Amazon, Spotify are using it.

Using OKRs will provide you the edge to getting things done and achieve to your setting goals. They are typically used to set quarterly goals, but you can also use it for annual Goals.

Allowing distributed goal-setting, and creating a framework to drive agility. The framework can include your project rules which help teammates prioritize and measure the outcome of their efforts. 

Seems simple, but the truth is, it will get somehow frustrated.

OKR supports companies bridge the gap between Goal Strategy and Execution and move from an out-put to an outcome-based approach to work.

Journey to KPI

What is KPI?

KPI is a tool that is used to convey the relative health of the business and it is a specific metric to convey the most amount of information in a single measurement.

In new business or project, the information and status are the most significant resources in measuring performances of organizations.

Setting Goals with KPI, it is essential for feedback and development of Team Vision and strategy success. 

Everyone of us has an influence on company and team goals. It is our responsibility to give specific and transparent KPIs to reach our goal.

Develop your meaningful KPIs with Clovine. More powerful and more strategic.

3. Monitor Project Execution

As a project manager, what is your final destination in any project?

After you set SMART goal, it is crucial for you to monitor project execution to make sure everyone is on the same track.

Goals should always be relevant to the team as a whole to maintain team motivation.

Those who have done team projects will know that it is quite difficult for every teammate to agree about each specific detailed of a goal, but if everyone understands on what goal means, still we can go forward to achieve it.

For perfect execution, you should use a reliable project management, Clovine.