Discover KANBAN Board

Origins of Kanban

Can you imagine that supermarket restocking techniques inspired project management?

In the late 1940s in Japan, Toyota has found a method that can increase the efficiency of its engineer process, and unexpectedly the source came from supermarket!

The grocers “Just-in-time” delivery system sparked Toyota engineers to rethink to a new approach. It is called as ‘A Kanban System’, and has spread worldwide for all industries to manage project quickly.

Kanban is a framework that takes place under Agile development. What is good about Agile?

It’s simple, visualized, keep tracked, and provides meaningful changes in the continuing setup.

Just.. Try it!

Map your Workflow as a Team

Great teamwork in project management requires a main Goal to reach with one Eye.

Honey bees are shining examples of teamwork in the animal kingdom.

Did you know a hive of honey bees can consists up to 60,000 bees? More surprising thing is that every bee knows its role and performs it effectively.

I may ask myself, does our team function in a similar manner? (YES!)

Like honey bees, if every single of them knows their own roles, then i think they’ve must communicated each other for many times.

Every project team members need to use collaborative and planning tools to increase the engagements. We are all given a role, and we are making this project to success.

Kanban enables a team to build a solid foundation for short-term and long-term success by improving quality of projects. Project is about time, and it can save our time and money.

What are the benefits of Kanban Board?

1. Visualize Workflow

Easy to analyze, improve and control the process by making it visible to entire teams.

Based on three column To Do / Doing / Done, allows the team to view work in progress, work that has completed, and new works going to be started.

2. Limit work in progress

This will help project manager to find out the top priority jobs that should be done first. It will alert every team members to speed up for the project.

3. Manage Kanban Workflow

Focusing on managing the work processes to make Kanban workflow more reliable rather than keeping teammates busy.

4. Continuous Improvement

Provides our team in the right direction to success the projects. A Kanban Board is an Agile project management tool to maximize the efficiency of our works. It will lead us to a smoother process. Start your project with Kanban, and reduce your time.

Choose your Kanban

Clovine provides the best environment for the users and teams with flexibility to manage their flow of work. The tasks in Clovine will show as a card, and all the information you need will be shown there. You can map out all the information, including schedule, issues, to Do, and comment at a glance. 

It’s all about visualizing your work, limiting your work in process, and tracking the process of the projects.

With Clovine, join us and embark on a journey of continuous improvement. Creative your ways and thoughts, feel free from projects and organize them for the best.